Moscow (Zelenograd) branch

A foundry service is offered to Customers to exploit the Optolink technological know-how in LiNbO3, MgO:LiNbO3 and LiTaO3 processing for integrated optical circuits. Customer uses the service to get processed wafer, polished and diced circuits as well as pigtailed and packaged devices. Custom integrated optical circuits are realized on the basis of the Customer’s designs or starting from the requirements, exploiting the Optolink’s design capabilities.

Staff: 50 employees
Building: separate, 1250 square meters


  • Annealing Proton Exchange
  • High Temperature Proton Exchange (Soft Proton Exchange)
  • Dielectric and metal deposition: clean room class 1000 (200 square meters) equipped with e-beam and sputtering machines)
  • Photolithography: clean room class 100 (35 square meters) equipped with new Mask aligner (KARL SUSS MA6) and tracks (spin-coating and developing).
  • Fiber pigtailing
  • Cutting, grinding and precise polishing
  • Characterization of waveguides and devices.

Production line:

Mask aligining & developing Mask aligining & developing Mask aligining & developing
Mask aligining and development Chemical treatment Metal & dielectric film deposition
Mask aligining & developing Mask aligining & developing Mask aligining & developing
Proton exchange Dicing & polishing Pigtailing


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LLC RPC "Optolink"