
Presentation at 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL 2020)

Optolink RPC LLC has made presentation  «Ultra-compact navigation-grade Inertial Measurement Unit IMU400» at 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (INERTIAL), which has been held ( in on-demand virtual meeting platform, due to coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic) in Hiroshima, Japan, 23-26 March 2020. In published paper, poster and  in pre-recorded Oral Presentation (wmv, pptx, pdf) (has been given by Head of Lab "Navigation and Motion Control" at LLC RPC "Optolink", Ph.D. Igor Fedorov) we presented  newest recently launched our product: ultra-compact navigation-grade inertial measurement unit IMU400, with  SWaP properties: 80×95×62 mm, 0.7 kg, 0.5 l, ≤7 W. The aim of this work was the production of pilot IMU400 devices batch and the estimation of the performance of IMU with direct approach and also with strapdown inertial navigation systems (SINS) simulation methods, which by sense is indirect way of performance observation. Main IMU400 Gyro and Accelerometer parameters are: Angle Random Walk (ARW) = 0.007 °/√hour, Bias Instability (BI) = 0.01°/h; Velocity Random Walk (VRW) = 40µg/√Hz, BI = 6µg. SINS expected performance (max): heading 0.2°×sec(lat) (1σ, 10 min align time).

At this symposium the latest state of inertial sensors and navigation systems as well as of gyro technologies was also presented. 




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